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Construction Industry and Trade Company

Let the doors and windows open, let in happiness as warm as the sun.

pimapen uretim

In Turkey in 1970, like many countries in the world, people faced with the energy crisis. Gasoline queues, heating fuel shortages entered our lives. On the other hand, demand in urbanization in Turkey was to cause a rapid increase in residential construction.
In contemporary cities, buildings were also started to be produced with contemporary materials. The old-style wood, aluminum, or iron joinery that rotted in a few years, letting the rain and cold air inside, requiring frequent painting and maintenance, could not be a solution to the needs of onward cities.
The solution came from PIMAS again. PIMAS, which started its R&D activities at the end of the ’70s, introduced the first PVC Window System to Turkish people in 1982: PIMAPEN!
PIMAPEN, with its perfect insulation feature, while providing a solution to the energy problem, at the same time, it made housewife’s job easier by preventing air pollution. PIMAPEN was a long-lasting material, as the paint did not require maintenance, it paid for itself in a short time, so it was economical.
PIMAPEN was beneficial for human health with its sound insulation in cities whose noise increases as the cities get crowded. It was produced from recyclable material. Because it’s long-lasting material, it prevented the waste of our world and our country’s tree treasure; it was the ideal product for the environment.
PIMAS, which produced “windows” until 1988, created the PVC Window sector by itself through its distrubuters.
PIMAPEN’s structure, which is growing rapidly with its sub-industries and the Manufacturer and Distributor network where tens of thousands of people work, has attracted new investments to the sector with all its institutions and operations. A giant sector called the “PEN sector” was born with an analogy originating from the name PIMAPEN, in which more than 80.000 people were employed..